Wednesday, September 14, 2011

9 Months

Dear Kara,

Yesterday you turned nine months old.

Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday you were our tiny 6lb.10oz. newborn:

Today you are our 20lb ball of energy and mischief. Your smile is contagious, especially with those two little bottom teeth poking up. You clap your hands any time anyone says "yay!" and sometimes you even clap for no reason at all. You still crawl like a little soldier, using your elbows as you scoot around on your belly, but you get up on your hands and knees so frequently that I know you'll be crawling soon. You've also taken an interest in trying your hardest to pull up on things, and though you aren't quite able to do it on your own you can do it with a little help from us and you get so excited when you've done it. Your hair is still very short, but it's getting longer and more blonde every day. When you wake up in the morning you usually have a tuft poking out and it's so silly. You love to eat just about anything (including things you shouldn't), but I think you most enjoy when you are able to feed yourself. You've started trying to wave at people, but you usually wave at yourself, and it's adorable.

Kara, I'm so grateful that the Lord has blessed our lives with you. You are so sweet and so wonderful. Almost every night while you're sleeping I go into your room to check on you and just stare at you for a while. It's hard to believe someone so perfect and beautiful is mine. I love to watch you learn and grow, and your accomplishments make my heart swell with pride. I can't wait to see what the coming days, months, and years bring for you.

I love you,

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